To He Who Will Be Forever Known as Kramer:
Finally caught that "performance" you did at the Laugh Factory, and, um...ooh.
It's obvious that you need help with your alcohol consumption. In this day and age, basing part of your (unintentional) act on Mel Gibson's anti-Semitic tripe (even if it was unintentional) is not cool.
Once you do get the help you need (for your alcohol and your racial insensitivity), you may want to audition for Last Comic Standing. Granted, you may not want to look like Chris Porter (or take it a step further and actually look like Chris Porter as Willy Wonka), but you can take a tip from him and learn how to dismiss a heckler with grace while keeping patrons in their seats.
EDIT: You're apologizing on Letterman tonight, supposedly. That's a step in the right direction...but honestly, when you call hecklers "niggers," you blew it from the moment you said the word.
(Pics:, Ms. Special)
Monday, November 20, 2006
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Obviously, this racist, Michael Richards, has shown his cards and his true color. He's a racist and he finally felt comfortable showing it. No white person calls someone else the N word once, twice, THREE times with that kind of conviction unless they mean it. It's completely inexcusable. But,
what I find incredible is that no one is responding to the other most offensive, racist comment I've heard anyone say in public in a long time - well maybe since Trent Lott...
Michael Racist Richards says, "fifty years ago we would have turned you upside down and stuck a fork up your ass." Please understand what he's saying. 50 years ago was before the civil rights movement. Fifty years ago is when Emmett Till was beaten, torturned, hung upside down and stuck with objects up his rectum. Fifty years ago the Black community was openly, blatantly and constantly terrorized and LYNCHED. Let's not get it twisted. Michael Richards is a DIXIE racist and it appears that he's received his acting lessons from the so-called grand wizard himself. Please don't let this turd off the hook and let's be clear about what the most offensive comment is. To the Seinfeld folk and anyone else, don't you dare excuse this behavior. An apology is disengenuous. An apology from this creep is only to say, "I'm sorry I was caught on tape and ruined my career. " It's not an apology for having deeply felt racist feelings.
Come on Mike, go to your rehab, enter a good RA program - Racists Anonymous - and stand up and say, Hello, I'm Michael Richards and I'm a Racist. See, don't you feel better? It's your first step toward recovery. Motherfucka!
Obviously, this racist, Michael Richards, has shown his cards and his true colors. He's a racist and he finally felt comfortable showing it. No one calls someone else the N word once, twice, three, four, five – a total of SIX times with that kind of conviction unless they mean it. This tirade where he was stuck on the N-word, is quite demeaning. But,
what I find incredible is that no one is responding to the other most offensive, racist comment I've heard anyone say in public in a long time - well maybe since Trent Lott...
Michael Racist Richards says, "fifty years ago we would have turned you upside down and stuck a fork up your ass." Please understand what he's saying. 50 years ago was before the civil rights movement. Fifty years ago is when Emmett Till was beaten, tortured, hung upside down and stuck with objects in his rectum. Fifty years ago the Black community was openly, blatantly and constantly terrorized and LYNCHED. Let's not get it twisted. Michael Richards is a DIXIE racist and it appears that he's received his acting lessons from the so-called grand wizard himself. Please don't let this turd off the hook and let's be clear about what the most offensive comment is. To the Seinfeld folk and anyone else, don't you dare excuse this behavior. An apology is disingenuous. An apology from this 32nd degree MASON is only to say, “I’m sorry I was caught on tape and ruined my mediocre career. " This is not an apology for having deeply felt racist feelings.
To understand Michael Richards’ racism is to understand his ties to the Scottish Rite MASONS. Investigate and you will learn much about this racist man and the racist teachings he holds so dear. A Scottish Rite Mason at the 32degree level is nothing more than the KKK in yet another disguise albeit the most refined disguise that exists today.
What prompted Richards to become a Mason? In 1996 at Lake Tahoe, Richards inducted Ill. Red Skelton, 33°, into The Comedy Hall of Fame. Bro. Richards says: "I was already interested in the Craft from reading Manly Palmer Hall's The Secret of All Ages, Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma, and Albert Mackey's Symbolism of Freemasonry. So, when I met Red and found out about his strong ties to Freemasonry, I was very impressed. Morals and Dogma certainly introduced me to Scottish Rite philosophy, but it was through Red's lovable nature, Masonic and all, that I really wanted to be a Mason."
Inspired by the high moral standards of Masonic teachings, as well as the fact that so many great men of all times were Freemasons, Michael Richards became a plural member of Riviera Lodge No. 780 and Culver City–Foshay No. 467, the Southern California Research Lodge, and a Life Member of the Los Angeles Scottish Rite Valley as well as a Life Member of the Scottish Rite Research Society.
Last year, the Supreme Council honored Bro. Richards by investing him with the rank and decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour. He is humble and highly appreciative of this distinction bestowed upon him: "I am delighted and honored that I have had the opportunity to meet Scottish Rite leaders, such as Ill. Bros. Sovereign Grand Commander C. Fred Kleinknecht and Inspector H. Douglas Lemons, S.G.I.G. in California, as well as Ill. Bros. Rex Hutchens, Art deHoyos, Sean Graystone, and Bro. Michael Marsellos (whom I affectionately call "The Rat Pack" of the Scottish Rite), because they are devoted to the research and study needed to maintain and express the highest standards of Masonic wisdom." Bro. Richards' love of books and Masonry prompted him to donate over 1,000 volumes encompassing art, literature, science, and philosophy to the new Culver City–Foshay Lodge Library and Study Hall.
I agree with 'anonymous'. My first impression is that he said what he felt.
As the Good Book says, what's in the heart of a man comes forth out of the mouth, (well that's the 'gist of what it says.)
If he had not felt that way in his heart about African Americans then he would never have said it. He must have said it before. It would never have been his intial reaction. For example, when a person who never curses gets mad, will they curse? No, because its not their first form of response.
He probably never did it in person. But maybe just maybe when he was driving along the road and he got cut off by an African American he would use the word. Or maybe he used it when he was among his personal friends.
Whatever the case, this ain't no one time response! He said what he meant and afterward he thought to himself, oops, did I say that out loud.
That girl they all know and love,
Ms. Monica
hey, i love myself
OMG LOL! He is so totally un cool. LOL!
I don't think Michael Richards wants help for his racist heart. I agree the worst comment was definitely the lynching one, 100 times worse than the N word. That doesn't just come out of someone's mouth when they are angry if they don't mean it.
I saw nothing wrong with what Mr. Richards said, so he pointed out some loud ass niggers in the group who ruined the show for hard working, not on welfare white people.
You know what the difference between a pile of dog shit and a nigger is? When dog shit gets old, it's turns white and stops stinking like shit.
“nigger lover” or “nigga luva”
This term is used exclusively for the white women living in the United States of America.
Most white women these days love black men. The reasons for this, from what I've been told, are the following:
1) They don't like white men because they aren't as "cool" as their black counterparts.
2) They hate white men because of their penis size (most white women are very loose and require a bigger penis to satisy them).
3) White women don't like being white and wish they were black to begin with - therefore giving up on the white race altogether.
4) They hate the white race so bad, that they are knowingly changing society by decreasing the white population from having children with black men.
Picture a young white female watching MTV in her bedroom. She’s watching rap videos with black guys showing off their gold teeth, gold chains, gold rings, standing on top of cadillac escalades flashing money around in their hands while women are dancing around them with their asses and tits hanging out.
In that girls eyes, that is the best and “coolest” thing she’s ever seen in her life. Now she likes black guys because she sees them living that lifestyle. White guys aren’t making videos like that… so why would she want anything to do with them?
Everywhere you go nowadays, you see white females with black guys. Go to the mall, you’ll see them walking around holding hands. Go to the movies, you’ll see them sitting together. Go to almost any nightclub, restaurant, school, amusement park or work place, and you’ll see them together. It would be unfair however, to say the only minorities they go with are blacks. You’ll also see them with Latino’s (Puerto Ricans/Spanish).
You almost have to feel bad for the young white males living in the United States today, since they are the ones paying the price.
It's getting harder and harder for them to find a white female seeing so many of them are going with minorities. Not to mention, a lot of young white females these days are lesbian which is also contributing to the shortage of white females available to young white men.
Then again, a lot of white males are giving up on their white female counterparts as well. It's not uncommon to see a white man with a Chinese female these days. Reasons for this inculde:
1) Chinese women are much easier to get along with and don't have the miserable attitude most white women have.
2) Chinese women have thinner, slimmer bodies that are much more attractive than most white women's are.
3) Chinese women have tighter vagina's than most white women.
It almost seems fitting that all white women should go with black men and that all white men should go with Chinese women. However, this leaves a big gap for black women and Chinese men living in the United States.
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