Monday, November 27, 2006

Re: The "Apologize to African-Americans Because I Don't Want My Career to Suffer More Than It Has Already Tour"

Okay, Michael Richards,

I didn't want to write another letter on this again, but I feel like I have to.

You're still on the "Apologize to African-Americans Because I Don't Want My Career to Suffer More Than It Has Already Tour." You're even citing the "some of my best friends are Black" defense. We've heard it all before.

You're also claiming that young white people will be influenced by popular entertainers to say the N word.

Um, shouldn't you have thought about that before you tried to deal with those hecklers at the Laugh Factory?

Personally, I've never known a white person to call anyone around me the N word, but I'm going to assume there might be some lost souls that use the word.

And, um, Kramer, some of these "entertainers" use the N word to make fun of people who do use the N word. Other entertainers feature people on their shows that sadly use the N word because they're intolerant. And I've never seen or heard someone go, "Hey, white people! It's okay to use the N word!"

I think the best thing for you to do is to quit while you're ahead. You can't justify what you did at the Laugh Factory because other people said the word well before you were born, let alone before that Laugh Factory tirade.

Penny Woods

(Pics:, Ms. Special)

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