Thursday, May 18, 2006


Dear sweet, crazy, Tyra Banks,

Thank you for making Danielle winner of this cycle of America's Next Top Model.

Thank you for picking someone who I feel deserves her dream of becoming a model come true.

Thank you for ensuring that next cycle's My Life as a Cover Girl will not have a boring Nicole-type looking like her mother whipped her with a strap because she was bad doing those horrid Cover Girl commericals.

Thank you for picking someone that looks like a model--unlike Nicole. (Or Naima, for that matter.)

You will not be forgiven for that less-than-spectaular runway show, though.

But thank you, Tyra, for not making me break my television (just in case you showed Joanie on your little TV screen, although I do heart her).

I shall watch your talk show and make fun of your seemingly exhaustive blinking forever more.

Penny Woods

1 comment:

Saun said...

Ain't that the truth. Danielle is the first winner that actually looks like a model and can possibly have a great career as a model. She doesn't strike me as the type that's trying to do shows and movies. She wants to model.